Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Getting Started Is The Hardest Part

Why are some things just so difficult to get started? I find that most things like gearing up for work, heading to the gym and starting homework are never nearly as bad once you're there or started in on the work (and oftentimes you actually feel great once you're engaged in doing whatever activity you previously dreaded), but starting can be the most impossible thing to do!

Well, getting back to eating healthy and getting active after the holidays is one of those things. This frigid Michigan weather that keeps us holed up in the house or in the office day after day doesn't help, either!

I also know that these lofty new year's goals we all make year after year typically fade or die altogether by late winter (if we make it that long). Going too hard at a goal, all at once, is sure to lead to burn out;it's just not sustainable. I mean, if you were learning math for the first time would you shout "give me Calculus!" or would you start by learning how to add and subtract and build from there? 

With that said, I'm almost 6 weeks postpartum and have been slooooowly trying to get back into the workout world. I've decided to start with a base of physical and healthy activity and build from there. 

My hope is that by putting this pledge out into blogosphere, I will actually honor it! Here's my plan for week one. (And I mean, it is like, reallllly basic to start out with. Sustainable. Remember??)

Week 1: 

Get in at least 30 minutes of cardio per day (no weights yet for me until the doctor's OK)

Drink 64 ounces of water per day


Two tiny goals for week one. That's it! By slowly adding to the foundation of health and physical fitness, I think I can get back to that healthy and fit place!! 

Who's with me? Would you like to join my challenge? I'd love to hear about anyone willing to join in and would love to hear your updates! Spring is but a few calendar pages away, darlings!



  1. You look amazing already. Not sure about joining the challenge yet,although I still may follow your blog. Hoping it may inspire me enough to get off the couch. :)

    1. You are sweet! I don't have many pounds to lose, but I have a long journey back to being in shape and physically fit.

      If it can inspire you to even do a little bit, then I'll feel fantastic about that! ;-)

  2. Haha I love that last Pin about actually doing fitness workouts! My entire Pinterest is built on fantasy ;)

    Do you have the recipe for the oatmeal strawberry bake? I guess I can probably find it on your Pinterest, hehehe!


    1. Those cards are so funny because they are SO TRUE! Lol

      Yes, if you go to my breakfast recipe board, it's there!! :) I may do a blog entry on it at some point, too. :)

